Six Sigma
In addition to a number of specific quality programs, TC Industries embraces the toolset, methodology and mindset of Six Sigma, a business management strategy originally developed by Motorola in 1981. Six Sigma seeks to improve the quality of process outputs by identifying and removing the causes of defects and minimizing variability in manufacturing and business processes. TC Industries’ Six Sigma commitment coordinates with and builds on other quality initiatives. The rigorous data-driven decision making of Six Sigma is at work in every TC Industries business and function, driving out defects and variation.
TC Industries applies Six Sigma to improve current operations while developing innovative solutions to transactional and manufacturing issues. TC Industries’ commitment to Six Sigma involves a focus on increasing customer satisfaction leading to an unprecedented level of customer loyalty.
TC Industries deployed its Six Sigma program in 2004 and is proud to have 17 team members who have achieved Six Sigma Black Belt Certification and two team members who have achieved Master Black Belt Certification.
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