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TC Industries Taking Care of The Customer
Since 1881
+1 815-459-2400 +1 519-836-7100 +1 204-482-6900 +44 1287-642-627 Request Quote

F7 Inline Gas Furnace

TC industries’ state of the art inline gas furnace.

  • Processing of bars in diameters of .75″ through 4″.
  • Lengths up to 25’3″.
  • 25,000 tons/year of capacity.
  • Water quench media.
  • Upon exit of the furnace, material is straight to .125″ in 5′ and stress free.
  • Your turn key solution.

Mill Products gets new look

New look-2The new website layout is getting a lot of attention with the new picture of the Mill Products Division. Over the Fourth of July week a crew was brought in to give the place that just cleaned look. A 135’ man lift had to be brought in to be able to reach the walls. The walls were sprayed with cleaner and wiped down to get rid of all the grease and grime. The walls were then covered with an epoxy paint to give it that new look. Everyone feels like they are working in a new place because it is so bright.   New Look-1


Safety: A New Beginning

TC Industries, Inc. is beginning a new journey to improve the way we think about safety and the overall safety performance in Crystal Lake. read more →

New Test Center Microscope

The Test Center has been updating some of our old equipment and we are proud to announce the addition of our new “state of the art” microscope. read more →

MPD Communications Board Area Completed

In order to improve the communication of the performance of the company to all employees, six magnetic whiteboards were installed along the South wall next to the MPD offices. read more →

In Memoriam

George A. “Bud” Berry III – 1918 to 2010

Friday, April 16, 2010 marked the end of an Era at TC Industries, Inc, when George Berry III passed away. During his 74 year career at the company, he was tireless in his endeavors to succeed in growing the business. read more →